Buy a helmet that has been tested and meets the uniform safety standard issued by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), or one or more of the voluntary bicycle helmet standards like ASTM, Snell or ANSI. You can tell this by looking for a label or sticker that says the helmet meets the standard. Select a brand and size that fits well prior to any adjustments. Adjustable sizing pads are often included to help ensure a better fit. Buy one that’s comfortable and attractive. You’ll be more likely to wear it. Buy a helmet that fits your child now, not a helmet to “grow into.” Replace any helmet that has been involved in a crash!
Fitting a Helmet
• Put the helmet on your head so it sits evenly between the ears and rests low on your forehead – it should only be about 1-2 finger widths above your eyebrow.
• Put foam pads inside the helmet so it feels comfortable but really snug. Usually, the helmet includes more than one size of foam pads that can be velcroed inside the helmet for a better fit.
- Tighten the Left Front Strap so that the buckle is under the center of the chin and the straps make a V beneath your ears with the buckle under the ear lobe
- Adjust the Left Back Strap, pulling any slack away from the front of the helmet
- Adjust the Right Back Strap, continuing to pull the slack in the strap to lay flat against the head
- Adjust the Right Front Strap so that you have a V under this ear with the buckle under the ear lobe
- Adjust the Chin strap so that it is snug and holds the helmet level. You should be able to put one or two fingers between the strap and chin AND be able to yawn, chew, talk with the helmet staying secure.
•A Good Helmet Fit is as important as wearing one...but it takes time. Allow as much as a half hour to get a proper helmet fit. If fitting your child, don’t try to “rush” it as they are trying to go outside to ride. Do it while they’re relaxed and you have plenty of time. Then secure the adjustments so the helmet is ready for the next ride.
•When hanging your helmet on your bike at home, school, shops, buckle the helmet and hang it on the handlebars by the buckle and not by the straps that you have fitted to go under your ears.
Helmet Replacement
•Helmets are good for one crash and one crash only
•Replace helmets after one crash or three years – check the ‘birthday’ inside your helmet
•Cut the straps off before throwing a helmet away – if it is not safe for you, it is not safe for anyone else to wear.
•Put your name inside the helmet for emergencies
Major Using Tips
1. With one hand, gently lift the front of the helmet up and push back.
Helmet moves back to uncover the forehead.
Tighten (shorten) front straps to junction under ears while leaving back straps in the same position. Retighten chinstrap as needed. Also, adjust padding thickness and position,especially in the back (and/or front if needed). If this doesn’t work, the helmet may be too big.
2. With one hand, gently lift the back of the helmet up and push forward
Helmet moves forward to cover the eyes
Tighten (shorten) back straps. Make sure chin strap is snug. Also adjust padding thickness and position, especially in front (and/or back as needed). If this doesn’t work, the helmet may be too big.
3. Put a hand on each side of the helmet and rock from side to side. Shake your head “no” as hard as possible.
Helmet slips from side to side.
Check padding on sides and add thicker pads. Make sure strapsare snug and evenly adjusted.
4. Open your mouth (lower jaw) as wide as possible, without moving your head. The top of the helmet should pull snugly against the top of your head.
Helmet does not pull down when opening your mouth.
Tighten chin strap. Make sure the front and back strap junctions rest under each earlobe.
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